Here we are in the 21st century with our own website. Please visit the site and review what’s there to renew your understanding of what we are about. Remember that we are in this together and our results will impact your financial comfort for many years. The photos alone will make your day.

The stock market has righted itself since the bloodletting in June and July… August and September were up months giving us a total of seven up months and two down so far this year. The Federal Reserve has loosened the credit reins and for now, this is doing the trick. The residential housing/lending mess will not go away anytime soon and will overhang the securities markets and may well spill over into our consumer-driven economy.

I must admit I was not really aware of how easy lending terms have been for several years. Just yesterday I spoke with a friend who sold his house the day before for $600,000 (he originally asked $695,000). The buyer, a couple in their thirties will put only 10% down and carry a mortgage of $540,000 at perhaps 7 ½% and real estate of taxes of $14,000. This is apparently still common after lending terms have been tightened. Good luck!

We have arranged immediate annuities for several clients to supplement fixed income streams which were not sufficient to provide basic living expenses over life spans which are growing steadily. If you feel your monthly income may not be adequate, contact us to discuss.

Very truly yours,

Michael F. Cantlon