“A Stitch in Time Saves Nine” -British Proverb

Despite substantial fluctuations, the markets finished the first half of the year stuck in neutral. The DJIA has a slight loss, the S&P has a slight gain. The market continues to be concerned with the recent trade rhetoric. President Trump claims that he is righting past administration’s wrongs by going after our trade partners for better terms. It has yet to be seen if his pronouncements end up being just a strong negotiation tactic or if it spirals into a trade war. If this is the beginning of a trade war, then we could be in for a rough second half of the year. If not, then the markets will move in accordance with their next area of concern, be it the mid-term elections, interest rates, etc.

As financial planners, we have a unique, privileged view into the lives of our clients. As time passes, we see expenses in retirement continue to rise. The truth is that you can never save too much for retirement. Your well-being in retirement is closely related to your net worth. We have yet to have a client tell us that they have too much money in retirement. Our eMoney financial software can help you plan. Give us a call if you would like to schedule some time for retirement planning. As they say on TV, people spend more time planning their vacation than they do their retirement. Don’t be one of those folk.

As we age, we should all have tough conversations with our heirs regarding our preparations for passing on our wealth. Besides informing your loved ones, it is also a good exercise to make sure that everything is up to date. When was the last time you updated your will? Who is the executor? Have you considered a durable power of attorney? We encourage all of our clients to talk to your heirs so that they are prepared when the inevitable does occur. It is best to be open and honest so that your heirs will be prepared to carry on your legacy. If you would like us to assist you in that conversation, we are here to help.

Very truly yours,

Michael Cantlon

Thomas Guyett

Robert Gephart