

Our Client Demographics (as of January 2025):

  • Average account size: $1,150,000
  • Assets under management: over $113,000,000
  • Number of clients: 98

Client Profiles:

Joe and Mary, aged 70 and 67, have been retired for 5 years. They have a net worth of $2.3 million and enjoy spending time with their grandchildren and travelling.

Bill and Susan, aged 48 and 49, are both saving money to send their children ages 16, 14 and 11 to college. Their current net worth of $640,000 is invested in accordance with their risk profile with a understanding of their dreams and aspirations.

Judy, aged 83, has been widowed for 5 years. She is living at home and her net worth of $520,000 is invested so that she will be able to afford her changing needs.